Sonntag, 22. August 2010


From this, may the universe have an end like it was created? The observed matter wasn't enough to gravitate the universe to its center. Of course we measure what we see. But if it contained lost mass or dark matter inside, this universe will close. The last data of the science is that the universe contained double matter. According to super series theorem, the universe was created with two sets of matter and force fields at the burst of creation.(Big Bang) So the universe weighs double of what it seems. When it became definite that neutrinos have mass, this number has the power to hold the universe. Other than that, in one of models antimatter has anti-universe, so the universe will burst and end at a black hole. An ideal universe model is Willem de Sitter's infinite dimensioned universe, a modern Euclidean' model. There is no matter in this model. Of course this doesn't have a practical use. Other universe models are hyperbolic and impulsive, oscillational (continuously created and dying) models. The last one can be supposed as line segments. Breathing like a lung, contracting and enlarging, this seems as if it came from the infinity and will continue until infinity.

Hyperbolic (Lobachevsky) universe is like a picture without border whose center is everywhere. In Euclid or de Sitter model, when the density goes to zero, the enlargement stops and the universe is emptied. Oscillational universe, every 100 billion years goes on as Big Bang and Doomsday. Which model is valid depends on the fact that we record the conversion of deuterium to helium, expanding speed, real age and real density. As a matter of fact creation is started from a white hole. White hole is the existence of the universe at the other side after doomsday when the universe is absorbed by a black hole. There is a dilemma that the universe starting with a white hole ends in a black hole.

Open universe model with no doomsday is no longer valid. Because the amount of matter, black matter lost mass was found enough. Then the universe will collapse over itself. It will end in a focus of a black hole. Now can we think this way? There had been a universe before we were created, this universe expanded and died by a black hole. The black hole transported the universe from the white hole. This universe also will collapse at its black hole also will be created by the white hole beyond again and on and on. This is a pulsative, oscillational universe model. But this model also has drawbacks, it is both in harmony and in conflict with the physical realities. First there is a gravitational energy leaking at the black hole critical diameter of the collapsing universe before us, this leakage is Schwarzschild's gravitational radiation. That leakage doesn't come here. So every time the universe leaves the loss of energy behind. At the end it won't have any energy to oscillate and stop. This model in conflict with the law of conservation of energy must be really true. Because physics authenticated and denied it. The duty to eliminate this dilemma was given to me.

I named my theory as Cosmo-Osmosis/Horn Hole which means tunnels making Osmosis between universes. The fundamental principle of the model was, by refusing causality, to show reason and result can unite as a single thing, this was valid in two directions. There is causality in an oscillating universe model. The universe before us, our universe, the universe after us. Doomsday-Creation twins always going forward in time. For example, the universe is created in Monday, destroyed on Tuesday, created again on Wednesday, destroyed on Thursday, but it doesn't have energy to exist on Friday. This is forbidden by the law of energy conservation.

Because at every bursting the energy outside Schwarzschild radius remains at the other side and the energy collapsing into the critical diameter comes with Big Bang. As this happens continuously, the universe's battery depletes and it never oscillates. There is a loss of energy. Doomsday machine is broken down. According to my theory, our universe absorbed by the black hole was created in the past. The universe was destroyed on Sunday and caused our creation now on Saturday. As the doomsday is on the future, the black hole absorbing us or the future had given us back to the starting point with Big Bang. Because of this we were created in the past and we will die in the future.

What does it mean? The space is round. Its start and end aren't infinite. They unite at the same place. This is like a ring uniting the end with start, Doomsday with Big Bang, life and death. This is living period! Time-space is plane. When an object is placed inside it gets round and spherical. When we put a linear infinite ruler in the space, by the effect of the gravitation this ruler will twist and its start and end will unite. Creation and doomsday are related. We travel round the ring like time, single directioned. If we went reverse we would find not yesterday but tomorrow. A baby would see its older state, graveyard. Or a person dying would see his past, if he moved forward one step. Because the future of the future is the start of the past. The past of the past is united with the end of the future.

Let's make a person get older. Let him not die, but always get older. We would see he would be like a child at the end. If he lived 300 years more, his height would be like a baby, his skin would be whiter, his beard would be scarce. He would be lying on bed without strength. What about babies newly born? They aren't different from older people. They are innocent. They don't have teeth.

Enshrouded One-17/18: Then how shall you, if you deny Allah, guard yourselves against a day that will make children hoary-headed? Whereon the sky will be cleft asunder?His promise needs to be accomplished.

These verses verify this. There is causality in the universe. Our start and end are the same. For example people at the young age become adolescent and can reproduce. On the other hand, at the end of 40s, they go into menopause. At the old ages people become without power. While a dead body of an old man is rotten, the same man's embryo in the past starts to grow. The old man dies like a black hole and his baby state is born from a white hole from his mother's uterus. The black hole and the white hole are the same tunnel. Now we enter the tunnel of the black holes which connect the past and the future. Our birth is the reason and our death is the result. If the gun isn't fired, the man doesn't die. Because we think time flows from the past to the future. We conditioned with the fact that as we are greater than `0' and heavier, the gravitation is towards the earth and the time is directed forward. If today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday. The apple falls to the earth. There are also negative numbers at the other side of the algebra, they are smaller than `0' in the black hole examples. Let's assume a (-)60 kg angel-human. His physical rules are the opposite of this universe's.

The apple of a (-) 60 kg man falls to the sky. Because the gravitation is valid for things greater than `0'. But objects smaller than `0' must have levitation-antigravitation properties. For this, heaven rules must be existing in physics where rivers flow upwards, Tuba tree's roots are at the sky and its branches are down.

For example let's say an angel is (-) 60 kg. It is impossible to measure it now with our scales. Our scales show the greater than `0' weights. We need an afterworld scale. It must measure the minus amounts. We can't know the weight of the fear in our heart. We don't know how much place our dreams take in our brain. The `afterworld scale' can only measure these. So we would understand why an angel closes its wings when getting high. Angels fly. They fall to the sky. It is so easy for them. A (+) 60 kg man walks on the ground, a (-) 60 kg walks on the sky. Between them ( angels and humans) there are energy humans called Jinns with `0' kg weight. In the verse it is called `the ones on the earth, the ones on the sky and the ones between. Jinns are forbidden to go the sky. Our time flows from the past to the future. Jinns time flows very slowly. But a (-) 60 kg man's time flows reverse according to the tachyon theorem. They get younger. Even in one kind time never flows. If today is Friday, their tomorrow is Thursday. So our tomorrow is Saturday. There are two days between. We can't see each other as we live in the same place, but 2 days' difference. As they are (-), they go faster than the light speed. You can measure the ruler, time, scale with (-) numbers there. As a (-) 1 trillion ton angel is lighter than 0.01 gr sand particle, we can't see and feel it. Which one is taller? A sand particle 1mm length or a (-) trillion km long angel? Our ruler says the sand is longer but
mathematics tells the opposite. Satan wanted Allah to give a living period until Jesus kills it. Satan first gets older, then gets younger, then again gets older. Is this not similar to the oscillating universe model? Satan's concrete structure (particle state) makes it older and its abstract (magnetic wave) state makes it younger. Its time flows forward and backward.

The same is valid for antimatter. Antimatter's time, electrical charge, its isotropic spins 3. component and parity axis is the reverse, opposite. The remaining (mass, etc.) is the same. It can't be distinguished. There is a cat in this universe and an anti-cat in the negative universe. The difference between these cats is that their times flow in opposite direction. It is like an object and its image in the mirror. Their atoms' electrical charge is the opposite of each other. When these cats face up with each other, they annihilate each other and convert to energy.

Ta-Ha-53: "...and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.

Ya-Sin-36: Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge.

The Scatterers s-49: And of every thing We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.

Everything was created in pairs. This informs us about antimatter and antiuniverse. Black holes bring us to antiuniverses. Science makes us think of everything in pairs. Al Jabir found negative numbers and algebra emerged. The electrons in Schroedinger equations were understood to have been created as (-) and (+) pair. So anti electron (positron) was found. Antiproton and others were found in laboratories. Atom and antiatom were found . When an atom and an antiatom come together, they become not `2', but `0'. They convert to energy. As negative and positive numbers are conjugates, their signs are the opposite. Conjugates annihilate each other. Matter and antimatter, because they are together makes each other exist and are parallel. This parallelity only in 4 subjects is broken down, opposite parallelity and antiparalellity emerge. Matter and antimatter are recognized by their neutrino-antineutrino emittings. As their 3. components are opposite, they see all the laws like they look at their image in the mirror. From a common creation they escape to the opposite sides of the universe. It was common belief that matter was dominating the universe and antimatter was destroyed. Because only matter is observed, antimatter was annihilated by 1 billionth deficiency.

Even it was supposed the universe was a whole and never a pair products one going forward and one going backward could be existing. But simple algebra shows that matter goes forward and antimatter goes backward in time. Feynman had proven that. When explaining black holes, we mentioned 3 types of universes. Parallel universes, negative universes and antiuniverses. Antiuniverse brings us to the other universe, but as we face up with our anti-self, we are annihilated and converted to energy. There is a conjugate of everything there. Antiuniverses are universes with negative algebra numbers. Negative universes are opposite of each other with real and imaginary numbers. Antiuniverses' weights are equal. Negative universes' weights are equal numbers below and over zero. Parallel universe is the general name given to these pairs. Abstract is born before the concrete. This is the creation of negative universes. But as antimatter and matter are concrete, they are created at the same time and this is the creation of antiuniverses.

A pair of universes created at the same time, one going backward and one going forward in time. Matter and antimatter humans are born at the same day. One lives 60 years from the past to the future. The other lives 60 years the opposite past of the past. 120 years are between each other. But because the universe is round, the past and the future unite. These conjugate humans face up with each other. As synchronised, they unite at the same time. Matter and antimatter annihilate each other and convert to energy and return back to the origin. The universe was opened by Big Bang, but two types of matter are created. One came 20 billion years forward and the other, 20 billion years back. And 40 billion years between each other. But they will unite and annihilate each other. Because the universe was first an energy of omnipotence. By the word `BE', it was created as pairs. When these pairs face up with each other, they will return back to the origin.

The universe is always programmed to come back to the origin, to Allah's singularity. Around us, there are billions of matter. These are composed of millions of compounds. These compounds are made of 114 elements. 114 elements are composed of a proton, neutron and electron. Proton and neutrons are made of two types of quarks. These two are made of subparticles. These become single with a leptoquark which is also at the structure of an electron. So force fields (with gravitino, rishonic bosons, fotino, gluon, super symmetry particles become a single white point. These combined with other particles of the other abstract universe and become singularity symbolized by Allah's order `BE'. (Grand Unified Theorem is made in this way) Grand Unified Theorem is to sort every multiplicity as pairs and is to bring them to a singularity, is to reverse the causal creation. Although it contains a lot of
scientists who don't believe in Allah, science is directed to Allah's Singularity.(Ehadiyet and Vahdaniyet) Singularity brought science to Allah. This was inevitable. When Allah created the Mind,
it wanted to return back to Allah. This is Hunnes. Allah also created the Self. Self wants to escape from Allah. It wants to see itself as another god, another identity. This is Kunnes. Two forces (Hunnes and Kunnes) made a coalition. As hunnes and kunnes balance each other cosmic life emerges. Mind is a whole, unite. But self wants to divide this into various identities. But as it is always halved, it is going to nullity. Mind is monopolar as it is hunnes. Self is bipolar (electrical charges, poles of a magnet, reason and result, matter-antimatter) Matter's time goes forward and antimatter's backward. Which is true? There is a main reality over their realities. Two pairs (self) annihilate each other and convert to one. Then they see they are the same. This means, from the origin of energy two opposite pairs (matter-antimatter) are born by kunnes. They have different personalities. They annihilate each other by hunnes.

This mechanism tells us the universal balance (birth, death and the life between) The forces to burst the star outside is kunnes and the forces to contract it is hunnes. The universe, humans, everything is born by kunnes and white hole. The same existence has to die with hunnes by a black hole. Black holes are responsible from death and white holes are responsible from birth. These are the ends of a tunnel. What and where is this tunnel? When we faint, we have a feeling of a black pit. The tunnel also absorbs one of the two atoms of a radioactive element. This is a micro tunnel. Black holes are macro tunnels. Science makes this calculation. Everything in the universe has a tunnel. Sour tunnels as Rosen Tunnels restrict or elongate the objects. The person fainting falls as if to a bottomless pit and sees a white light and goes out from there. This white light is a white hole. The person thinks he goes up to the sky. People in coma say they went out of their bodies. Also a person surviving an accident says he saw his whole life like a film. This is called `Account Book'. We face up with it. Everything we forget is there. We are witness to it. The terms `whole' and `real' are scientific and they are the mathematical equations of what we say. We tried every way to go out of the universe. With light speed to the concrete relativistic region, nullity region. Here because of absolute timelessness we are without perception and senses. When we exceeded the speed of light to the Feinberg region, we couldn' also go out, but we went to the past. We faced up with ourselves starting. As time worked reverse, we went not to the future, but the past, before of our journey. We perceived the tunnels, we didn't have time to understand it. Because we only saw tunnels as a point singularity. We can only go out of the universe through the direction of the diameter of the universe. The space is like the world. Everything is on the surface of the universal shell. Whatever we do, we remain at the two dimensional surface. It is like a human Picture. He can't go out of the picture. Don't expect them to believe the volume, 3. dimension. This is valid also for our fourth dimension of the universe. As a four dimensional place can't be imagined, we are going to give examples from a sphere

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