Science starts by curiosity. Curiosity is learning. Things that we can't learn and explain stand like obligation. This curiosity urges us at the lowest level of eternity tower. We have a curiosity about what exists at the moon, the other planets, the other universes. Tower of eternity attracts us from the bottom to the top. Science is curiosity. What exists in the tower of eternity and beyond that tower?... ALLAH?... What is it? Exists or not? Quality or quantity of it? Does it have a before and an after? If there exists no god, what is the source of the belief of god? Either science without god or objective science has trouble with this question. Is the need to be created the belief of ALLAH?
The universe was created. Somebody created the universe from nothing. So the need for a god as a human instinct and the need to be created which is the hardest question of science are the same.
The need for a god and the argument between people whether there exists a god or not throughout the history is also a proof of the existence of ALLAH, because why do people argue and question which doesn't exist, for centuries? The people who have suspicion about the existence of a god are anxious, because science proved the `Singularity of ALLAH' with the name `Singularity at the Beginning'. The atheists could not prove that god doesn't exist and they are in trouble. Even science didn't prove the existence god, there is a dilemma. Two probabilities in science are equal. God exists or not?... They are equal mathematically.
Even the singularity at the beginning didn't exist, the belief of Hereafter surpasses. And ones who believe in ALLAH are in an advantageous position. The ones who have a god-belief used forces of
nature (stars, sun, moon, fire, thunderstorm), idols, Marxism as Gods. There was an inflation of Greek-Rome gods. Single-godded divine religions were sent down to erase those gods. But in the Old Testament which was corrupted by Jewish Rabbis, there exists a multitude of gods. Moreover, Jews who are the chosen ones have a special fighting, jealous god: Yehowa. The New Testament was sent down to erase those gods, but it was also corrupted. This time there exists a trinity. Father, Holy Spirit and the Son. The only book which says ALLAH is singular, absolute one is Quran which based on the unchanging scientific laws of ALLAH. LA ILAHE ILLALLAH in Arabic which means "there is no god other than ALLAH".
Quran: The Originator (Fatr)-43: You can't see any change in the scientific laws of ALLAH.
The Cattle (En'am)-38: We have not neglected anything in the Book.
Science is the elevation of mind through the eternity tower. ALLAH established his order from upside down. As the owner of the eternity tower ALLAH wants to be known. To know ALLAH we need science.
Quran: Baqara (The Cow)-117: To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is.
The universe 15-20 billion years ago started from a white point smaller than a hydrogen atom. This point was hotter than hell and it was also very condensed. In a time interval billion times smaller than a second, I mean when ALLAH ordered it to `BE', the universe was ready with everything inside. ALLAH blowed out his spirit and the white point enlarged for billion years and became our giant universe now. As we go away from fire or light, it becomes dark and cold. The universe got darker and colder by enlarging. The temperature of the universe is now -271.4C. The lowest temperature is -273.16C. At that temperature it won't enlarge, it will stop and it will crash in its own black hole.
The universe started with a point and also it will end in a point smaller than a hydrogen atom. Everyone who was born will die. ALLAH managed the universe with science before he created
Adam and Eve. If the humans were not created, the universe would also work with these scientific laws. I mean scientific realities always existed. They don't become real, when somebody explores them. So the duty of science is to find the realities. When doing this, it must use the ability of human mind to reach the farthest universes. Today Official Science is based on what it can observe. But it also accepts what it couldn't observe. This time it reaches there by enlargement of mind, mathematical-physical thinking ability.
Official Science clings to observation. A lot of monopolised aristocratic scientists call what they see `Physics' and call what they can't see `Metaphysics'. They thought that universe was stable, fixed and the matter was immortal. But when Curies found the radioactivity, the idea of immortal matter became invalid. Radioactive decay showed us unstable atoms. Roentgen rays destroyed the idea that things which we don't see, don't exist. There are neutrinos at the limit of matter and beyond. Ghost particles… They are million times smaller than atoms. They don't radiate. They don't interact with matter. They behave transparently against the matter. How were neutrinos explored? Only by mathematical equations… Because there was always an energy shortage in the atomic reactions. This energy shortage was called neutrino. After that, human mind by using science, showed that if there exist these particles they could be caught by indirect collisions. Experimentally these particles were found. Neutrinos are neither matter nor not. This is the victory of science by mathematical equations. Force fields like neutrinos and unseen matter showed that there exists also a radiation without light. The four fundamental forces of the universe are represented by dark energy fields. The flux of a magnet which puts iron particles in order is an example of this kind of radiation. Science finds the darknesses by mathematics without seeing and it proves them. Universe and science are unified. Universal sciences come from `Singularity'. We are not isolated, apart from the universe. Cosmology comes from `Singularity' and it is unified.
Science cruises slowly. You can prove something 20 years after it was found. This is a tortoise speed. We pass 25 years of our 75-year-life in sleep. To be a scientist we need 25 years and the other 25 years are not enough to produce something. Scientists are unified. Biology and chemistry may come together. Or nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics are the same. All sciences come together and compose a unified field go to singularity. Singularity exists in science. Because of causality we have a habit, from childhood, that we attribute a time and space to ALLAH as we need time and space. This is not a malicious thought. It is in our nature. Science starts by asking. For a child or a person -who has no science, who doesn't know that time stops at the speed of light forever,- time seems absolute and always running. When time runs, it has a beginning and an end. It has yesterday, today and tomorrow. There also exists a space with which this time runs.
Normally every one of us is born. We expect the same from ALLAH. But causality is a law of ALLAH only for creatures. Being born and dieing. We have to enter a mathematically impossible field called singularity. It is easy for us to kill a cat. You can annihilate something that exists, but you can't create it. It also can't create itself. As a matter of fact we don't annihilate the cat, but we cause it to die. The atoms equal to the weight of the corpse of the cat aren't annihilated. We can't also annihilate atoms, they are converted to energy. So we can't annihilate anything. The atoms of the corpse of the cat will be in the body of a baby or a plant. There must be someone who created the universe from nothing. SINGULARITY… That someone must create the cat and I can kill that cat. For science existence and non-existence are identical. But the hardness of creating called `Singularity' oppresses the scientist. The need to be created and the need for ALLAH are the same. It is easy to destroy the universe like killing the cat. But creating the universe is an unbelievable, amazing matter of power. This singularity is the enemy of a scientist who is not a believer. To be created from non-existence is called `Singularity at the Beginning'. -Singularity is everything beyond zero of mathematics, single dimensioned, caught by the black hole, its time and space displaced.-
We know that the universe started with Big Bang. If this didn't happen, we would say that the universe always existed and will exist forever and it is like a god. But as a matter of fact, we saw that
this is not true. The universe was created at a point in time, created from non-existence The universe is also not eternal. Once upon a time people thought it won't be destroyed, because the observed amount of matter in the universe didn't have a critical mass to stop the expansion of the universe. We know that there is gravitation. Gravitation equals to the weight of the mass creating it. If mass increases gravitation increases. The sufficient mass couldn't be found, but the calculations of physics mention a lost matter. I mean there exists a shortage of unseen matter, but it can't be observed. Force-the fields- themselves were also matters which didn't radiate. Everything in the universe was creating its own black hole and was dieing at the back of it. The amount of black matter which didn't radiate was 10 times more than expected. This black weight which didn't radiate will slow the expansion of the universe and the universe will be collected in it own gravitation centre. This will create the `Doomsday'.
The universe was created and will be destroyed. It is inevitable. Even it doesn't pucker by gravitation at the end, black holes will swallow the universe and throw it to the resurrection through the tunnel behind. The universe is closed and it has a limit. I mean it is spherical like world. A person can reach the city he started walking from and reach the same city by making a tour on a spherical planet. The universe is the same.
The universe, suns, stars, galaxies, atoms are spherical. Photons can't escape from the black hole gravitation. And there is a twin of our sun as a black hole. As we reach that enough, the photon coming from the sun will be deviated by the gravitation of the black hole and we will see two
suns one in the west and one in the east. This is one of the great signs of the `Doomsday'. The universe is a closed sphere and we can't go out of its time - space lines.
The Beneficent (Rahman) - 33: O assembly of the Jinns and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through; you cannot pass through but with sultan power.
We need a sultan power to go out of this universe. As a matter of fact, we are prisoned in a 2-dimensioned mirror with false depth. We must use the 4th secret dimension of the space as `Sultan Power'. As far as we stay in this universe we can't be immortal. The universe has a beginning and an end. According to Quran: Tekvir (The Covering up)- 15-16: there is a white point (KUNNES) and a black point (HUNNES). Kunnes and Hunnes are Arabic words. These are the two ends of the causality. If there didn't exist one of them, the universe wouldn't exist. For example if there wasn't a white point, the universe wouldn't be created . If there wasn't a black point, we wouldn't be able to find the separated clouds of galaxies as EARTH. We get energy from the white points and we live. If there wasn't a black point, there wouldn't be a doomsday and we wouldn't have the hope of immortality forever. To exist twice, there must be a death between. The black point will let us meet the immortality by doomsday. There must be a black point ( a black tunnel) to reach an immortal eternal life. Everybody will taste the death to become immortal. From the grave of the universe a white birth comes out. These two are the same , but their directions are opposite, because of causality. This is Berzah in Arabic (horn hole). The universe is our EARTH. The radiation we see there, I mean matter, is earth and the matter which don't radiate, for example the energy fields and spaces, are called HEAVENS (Arabic SEMA).
Let's try to go out of EARTH. Let's first try to understand the EARTH. Over the world the surface is 2-dimensioned. I mean we have a cultivated piece of land 400m2 with each side 20m. In the past people looked at birds and wanted to fly. Birds were both landing and also flying in the 3rd dimension in the sky. Later people made balloons, planes and rockets to go up to the sky. With the exploration of rockets, pilots wore astronaut clothes and they landed on the moon. It took weeks to go to the moon. Although our rockets went with very high speeds, it would take months to reach the nearest planet, it would take years to reach the next one. A human life is not enough to reach Pluto. There is the technical hardness to go to a planet. An astronaut needs 20 years of education and 20 more for astronautics training. When starting at 40, an astronaut must carry food, oxygen, water heavier than the weight of his spaceship. Now there is a new problem The 4th dimension TIME… Time passes with the speed of light 300.000 km/s. Light which is the fastest thing in the universe also depends on time. A spaceship is made of matter. But if we make a spaceship from light we get the highest speed in the universe, such that this spaceship turns around the world 7.5 times a second. This spaceship goes to the sun in 8 min- 18scds. The sun is the closest star. All the stars are suns. Vega (from Arabic an-nasr al-wāqiʿ – darting eagle) is the nearest star to our sun. However our light-spaceship reaches there in 4 years. Meanwhile we are left in the halfway, because the way between these two suns is so long that when we look back we see our sun blinks to us as a point of star. A point lost among the other stars. There are 100 billion stars other than our sun in the Milky Way. We call it a galaxy composed of 100 billion stars. When we look from outside, galaxies seem like flying saucers and they have spiral arms. Our galaxy is very small. There are such galaxies composed of trillion stars, moreover they have 1000 galaxies inside. Our galaxy and its neighbour Andromeda are alike. It also has 100 billion stars. What is 100 billion? Let's give 100 years of life to a man. Let this man count 1 coin at each second without sleeping in his life. He counts 3.15 billions of coins. We can't know the meaning of 100 billion stars. Our light-spaceship goes to the Andromeda in 3 million years. Our galaxy Milky Way has a galactic black hole and old stars are nearer to this black hole. Our galaxy's diameter is 200.000 light years. Our solar system's distance from the center is 32.000 light years. By the way, the universe is expanding. Hubble found that the universe expands in 1920s. Because of the fact that boom of creation continues, the universe is expanding.
| A: center of Milky Way C: Our Solar System |
The Scatterers (Zariyat)- 47: Look up to the heavens, we built it with power and without suspicion we are able to expand it.
This means galaxies are going away from each other. As time needed to go to Andromeda is 3 million years, because Andromeda is going away, 6 millions years are not enough to reach it and to return back we need at least 12 million years. I write those to emphasize the greatness of ALLAH. And there is no life in the other planets. In Quran, ALLAH mentions about humans, Houris, Satan, Jinns, Angels, Gogs and Magogs. There is no life other than those mentioned. UFOs can't come from Andromeda because the living beings inside UFOs must have at least 12 million years of life. As a matter of fact the pilots of UFOs are our future grand grand grandsons. Milky Way and Andromeda are small galaxies. There is an upper system. This system is called a Meta-galaxy. According to distribution calculations there are 200 billion galaxies each having 100 billion suns. Each meta-galaxy, according to the galaxy table, gathered together in a hyper group. According to this each 200 billion galaxies compose a hyper-galaxy We feel the power and science of ALLAH, when we think of the dimensions of the universe and we learn the exile place of Adam and Eve who were expelled from the heaven.
The Fig (Tin) 4-5: We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,-
Everything that I mentioned until now are ornaments (stars) in the least important region, the
bottommost region under the 7 heavens like the surface of a foam of a balloon. Only the greatest power, singular and absolute one can say these…
We can estimate what the eternity tower may mean by looking at this huge universe. Our aim at the beginning was to go to the farthest point of this universe. Let's cruise in the universe by our mind.
Let's pretend there is no time dimension. Let's pretend we are immortal. Let's aim at one of the farthest stars of the universe. At the beginning it seems as if we reach the border of the universe
when we reach the farthest star on our experiment horizon. But we will be surprised when we see this is not true. Alan Sandage found the farthest stars of the universe. These are called quasars. Some quasars are 16-20 billion light-years away from us. Quasars are at the farthest region of the universe, but they give more light than the stars nearer to us even more than the galaxy that we are in. Moreover they are very small. Although they are very far, they make the strongest radiation. It is like a street lamp in a near country illuminating us more than the lamp in our house. In fact they are `White Holes'.
So our light-spaceship goes to these white point stars. By that, we will see what exists in 16-20 billion years beyond. Even if we are immortal, there is one more problem The universe always expands.
This is such an expansion that it is like our boat drifting 10m back against the flow of a river when we hardly move 1m forward. This means we will never reach that quasar. Although we are immortal, the
time to reach that quasar will double because of the expansion. So by our mind we must stop the expansion of the universe to reach the quasar. When we reach the quasar, in that time interval, that quasar will have converted to a galaxy. Quasars are both white holes and black holes Quasars are ejection, vomiting of matter which was swallowed by the black hole of a parallel universe (multiverse) at the back. That quasar will create the galaxy arms by its vomited matter and it will become a nucleus of a galaxy. These galaxies which are in construction form are called `Seyfert Galaxies'. Seyfert galaxies, through time, become galaxies that we know when this quasar becomes a black hole. Quasars are baby galaxies, Seyfert galaxies are the young ones, and galaxies that we know are the older ones which are nearer to the black hole phase.
So our target quasar mustn't be there when we reach it. Our galaxy is the history of Milky Way. That quasar is the radiation of our baby phase. Maybe, the universe is so small like a football. Our targeted place will be our past. Now let's continue again to go to the quasar we aim with our immortal pilot. Our target, in fact, is the start of our past and is the middle of the universe, not the border. Our universe was created from a white point and it expanded unbelievably.
Let's suppose we make a movie of this. Let's play this film again but reversely. Then the universe would get smaller, hotter and illuminating. The galaxies would get closer. Moreover the galaxies would get spherical and quasars would emerge from inside. Instead of stars, there would only be energy. Those huge super and hyper galaxies are only a quasar (white point). So we have gone to one of those quasars. The universe is coiling around itself like the spiral of the shell of a snail during which it expands by coiling round over by pulsation.
According to mathematical calculations, if the universe is 20 billion years old, it would have coiled around itself 7 times and it can't coil the 8th time, because it became spherical. Already, if the temperature falls 1.75C more, it will stop coiling, because the expansion emerges from the impulse of this energy.
Noah-15: "'See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another?
Now let's continue cruising and aim that quasar. We will have gone back in the past such that the universe is first like our world, then a football and a marble. This marble universe will seem again so huge to us, because there exist galaxies, trillions of suns, the world and our light-spaceship in this marble. Everything will be jam-packed inside the marble. Our galaxy will be like a subatomic particle !!!
We go back more and we see that our marble universe becomes a point. At the tip of a pin, there are 100 million atoms. As we go back more, the universe will become billion times smaller than one of
these atoms. That is the center of the white point which is the order of ALLAH: `BE'!! This white point where matter is in energy form like hell is at the same time the beginning of the end, and the
end of the beginning. This universe, created as an infinitely small point, is at the same time the smallest interval of space. I mean the biggest and the smallest are at the same place. The biggest may
be created from the smallest. If we could continue our journey, we would enter this white point and then through a tunnel of a black hole we would enter a huge new universe. This universe is our
universe from where we started. We returned back to where we started. Time ejected us from the end of our past to the start of our future. That's why we see that quasars which seemed the farthest
regions of the universe are in fact the center and past of the universe, not the border of the universe.
So as we are ejected to our time now, let's go to the farthest point of the universe randomly without any target. If the universe expands with more than the speed of light, we can't reach the farthest regions. If we are faster than the universe we can reach the future of the universe. Indirectly we will go to the future of the universe and we will become younger than our twin we left on the world. By that we reach the place where the universe will find the energy to expand with the 1.75C then we go to where the universe can't expand. There exists an etherical, reserve time-space there as the universe yet didn't expand. When we go there we will bring the 4 fundamental forces with us as we are also a part of the universe. Because the 8th coil is an ideal sphere, it is the end of the expansion. Its periphery applies a propelling pressure to destroy the universe.(The negative acceleration) There the time-space is level, flat. I mean time is a dimension on space and/or space is a dimension on time. Time-space is flat, but when a matter goes inside it bends. So we have to go with faster than the speed of light for the definition of the region where the universe yet didn't expand, and it didn't carry physical laws with it. So let's go faster than light! Now we are more helpless, because as we move faster than light, time works reversely. For example we started on Friday, the next day will be Thursday. We got younger. We returned back to where we didn't start yet. This means we didn't set off. This means the universe won't bring us to where it didn't expand, it will send us to our past. WE WON'T BE ABLE TO GO OUT OF THE UNIVERSE.
We became immortal, we stopped the expansion of the universe but we couldn't surpass the the time wall, although we surpassed the space. We need an upper dimension. 5th dimension or the secret 4th
dimension of the space that I mentioned before is mentioned by ALLAH in:
The Beneficent (Rahman) - 33: O assembly of the Jinns and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through; you cannot pass through but with sultan power.
A picture of a human can't go out of the newspaper. We are pictures at the surface of the universe balloon. Either we are Jinns or humans, we can't escape out of the time-space lines of the universe if we don't have a 5th dimension or abstract tunnel. Everything is useless. So we must apply to Black Holes and try to go out of this universe. Black points are the tunnels which open to the outside of the universe, doors of other universes and heavens. We have to make science of these doors. At the end we found a door to go out of this universe called `Sultan'.
Ya-Sin 82: His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is.
From this verse we understand that the order of `be'makes everything become including our universe and everything. First Hubble showed in 1920s that the universe expands like a balloon. Some cosmologists like Hoyle asserted that this expansion comes from the notion `without start' and it will continue forever. They made an open universe model. This universe was like God and would not be destroyed. The opposite group on the other hand asserted that the universe must have been created from a point if they reverse the expansion.
Lamaitre and Gamow made models with a start of the universe. Gamow called `Big Bang' to his theory. According to this theory the universe must have started from a point so small and condensed. And it would expand and get colder. By that, freezing of the universe must cause the light particles ( 7 colors we see) to change. As the radiation gets colder, it goes to orange from incandescent and after that to red and infrared. We can't see radiation in infrared, but we feel the radiation of heat. A heater can't radiate but it gives heat. Something going -273.15 this time goes to mini radio wave phase.
Gamow appreciated these physical laws. When the universe was created 16-20 billion years ago, it was so small that these light quants couldn't go out, because they couldn't find a way to go out. This way only after 700.000 years opened and photons were free in the universe. Gamow calculated that the universe was nearer to the freezing point. Then these radiations must have gotten cold along radio waves. If something was found like that the materialistic model of a universe without start would collapse.
Two radio technicians tried to annihilate the rustling in the FM radio band by changing the direction of their antennas in any way. They experimented that the rustling came from every direction, equally (isotropically) and homogeneously. Peebles commented on this experiment: These were the light particles that Gamow mentioned. Their energy started to freeze and they were united with radio waves. This rustling was the realization of the order of ALLAH: `BE'!! The universe is full of this background radiation. This is the sound of the Big Bang. This is the proof of its creation, it is the need to be created.
The universe was created from the interval billion billion times smaller than the tip of a needle with everything inside. All creations were created at an instant. The four forces of nature were yet a singular force. The heat was unlimited. In billionth billionth billionth of a second `Leptoquarks', super particles which are the ancestors of matter-antimatter, were created and divided into 2. The matter antimatter annihilated each other and the universe was illuminated million times than the sun. This small universe had such a density that you could weigh the Milky Way by putting it into an atom. When this hell got cold a little bit, Strong Nuclear Force emerged and an expansion happened. Weak Nuclear Force and Electromagnetic Force emerged when the heat got down a little bit. Quarks, electrons, photons and antiparticles were created. At the millionth second of the creation, when the temperature went down a little bit more, neutrons emerged by the uniting of 3 quarks. Photons couldn't make production and the amount of matter decreased. After 10.000th second of the creation there was no heavy particle other than Higgs Bosons. In a very short period, the universe became calm and got its identity. Science has found all these.
The Cattle(En'am)-73: And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and on the day He says: Be, it is. His word is the truth, and His is the kingdom on the day when the trumpet shall be blown; the Knower of the unseen and the seen; and He is the Wise, the Aware.
This talks about the interval in which ALLAH was singular (EHAD and VAHID), in which he created nothing yet.
The Bee (Nahl)-40: Our word for a thing when We intend it, is only that We say to it, Be, and immediately it is.
This means ALLAH first created the abstract universe and angels. He made the angels testify when he created the physical universe, he especially says `WE'. The word `immediately' in Nahl 40, we must think of it. Really, the cosmos was created immediately. `Be' is the order which goes to the target without setting off, without starting!!
The biggest secrets of the universe is that although it had to remain as a unified cloud composed of hydrogen/helium and photons with high temperature, how was it divided into galactic clouds?
Related to this subject there were a lot of theories. One of these is the theory of `super series'. This theory sprinkles the galaxies like bursting of corn. The universe was dark at the first moment of
creation, because there was no photon radiation. Then photons were created and the notion of `day' emerged. The white point is in Arabic called `NUR' and after that NIGHT followed it, after that
whole universe became illuminated more brightly than the sun (DAY) and after that when the photons got cold NIGHT came.
Ya-Sin 37: And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw there from the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness;
Zumer (the Companies)-5: He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night:
He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again? Big Bang theorem told about the NIGHT/DAY notion after Quran was sent down 14 centuries ago. Like night and day, earth and heavens were also divided. They were united once upon a time. I mean the universe was a cloud of gas and homogeneous If it remained so, there wouldn't exist any matter. Then something strange happened and this unified cloud divided into super galactic clouds. But that wouldn't be expected, because a cloud which attracts itself in every direction equally can't be divided. In that gas cloud both earth and heavens existed. They were united and the same.
The Prophets (Enbiya)-30: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
Arabic `fetekna' is the equivalent of phase separation. I mean this cloud was divided into 200 billion separated clouds which would convert into galaxies. In this way we were created after the galaxies and the stars. If the universe remained as an hydrogen cloud we wouldn't be created. But with a stimulus, the universe became non-homogeneous. If this non-homogeneity was collected around a single gravitation point, the universe would convert into its doomsday with a black hole at the beginning. The universe didn't remain as a black hole (Non-homogeneity) Neither cloud nor black hole, but it converted into 200 billion divided clouds to make galaxies. This means 200 billion gravitation centers were needed.
Professor Hawking found `black points' and `black hole vaporization'. The force of the Big Bang at the start had to create black points smaller than an atom. Some great activities were also powerful enough to create black holes other than gravitation shocks. The focus of division to create super galaxies was provided by Hawking Black Points. The earth and heavens which were divided must have been separated in this way. From the undulations happening around black holes, galaxies emerged. Groups as EARTH and the space as HEAVENS were divided. Hawking also found black hole vaporisation. Black holes absorb everything but they have leakage. These two flows annihilate the black hole at the end. This leakage is explained by two mechanisms. First the neutrino leakage created because the black hole divided the time-space into very small pieces. The second is that if the temperature of the universe is less than the temperature of the black hole the tunnel beyond the black hole destroys the black hole. At the end of the leakage the black point opens by bursting. Indirectly, if the mini black points opened by bursting after 700.000 years, they must have converted into white points. This authenticates quasars. Quasars are the opposite of mini black holes. They are KUNNES. As the clouds found a gravitational center, they aggregated around these mini black holes by turning around them. First the galaxies were spherical. This sphere was turning round. The cloud sphere collapsed with the shape of a lens, because the inclination to collapse and bending faced up with a resistance on the axis of turning. Its heavy part aggregated around the center and the hydrogen gas added after it constituted its arms. Because the galaxies turned, these arms took place as spirals on the equator plane. Some of them were also spherical or open group.
Meanwhile the black holes at the center of galaxies opened by bursting. Then quasars emerged. This image half quasar and half galaxy, at the center of the galaxy was first found by Carl Seyfert I mean, quasars at the farthest regions of the universe are inclined to convert into galaxies with quasar centers and these galaxies convert into galaxies we know. The galaxies emerged from the hydrogen clouds as they got cold. Suns emerge from the matter inside the galaxies. When the inside temperatures reach 10 million C the light elements converted into heavy elements, by supernova bursts, the first stars scattered their ingredients around and new stars were born from this star ash. Our sun is like that.
Stars carrying an intense nucleus in the galaxy begin to emerge as Red Dwarves. Red Dwarf sticks the dust and gas round to itself. Gravitation is the attraction of the light to the heavy. As the star attracts more it grows and it attracts more. Meanwhile, it causes the gas and dust it sticked to itself to get hotter. When nuclear forces, as fusion of nucleus which burst a hydrogen bomb work, the star is born as it reaches a very high temperature. Our sun was like that. First it was a cloud. This cloud until Pluto was spherical. Then it collapsed to the center where our sun exists now. Around the clouds of planets remained. The real sun emerged from the material it collected inside. It got hotter and hotter and inside a nuclear reaction started like trillions of hydrogen bombs. Its red color became orange, then yellow and at last incandescent. Our sun is a very small prime sun. It was created 5 billions years ago and it has still 50 million years of life. Our sun gives radiation and heat by converting hydrogen inside and around to helium. It's stock will finish after 50 million years. This shows that the stars also have a life. They are born, live and die.
Energy beyond `0', gets the value of impulse moment of unlimited energy called in Arabic `NUR'. This is the biggest power, it created the universe . This power may be compared with the energy of the particles when the universe was first created. Hubble found that the universe expanded after Quran was sent down 14 centuries ago in 1920.
The Scatterers (Zariyat 48/49: And the earth have We spread out wide - and how well have We ordered it! It talks about the EARTH when groups of things and the space were divided. And in everything have We created opposites, so that you might bear in mind. It gives lesson to scientists about the matter-antimatter , earth-heavens, electron-positron, proton-antiproton.
The universe was created from the white point with `NUR'. This point was so small that it was smaller than `0'-non-existence is a giant compared with it. This point was so hot that hell was a piece of ice compared with it. This point is the NUR of KUNNES, `Be order of ALLAH. The universe with a start must have an end in a black point. The stimulus bursting the universe will be replaced by the response which swallows it. Stimulus is KUNNES (white point) and response is HUNNES (black point) The universe was created from singularity. The first thing created was a point. This point is the universe itself, and its weight equals to the weight of the universe now. This point makes us find the concepts of EHADIYET and VAHDANIYET. Science increased unlimitedly while it was a point . The universe was born from the decomposition of that point into light particles and particles which don't radiate. This point without any dimension was the center of everything. As the universe expanded, subpoints smaller than this point emerged. Because the universe expanded as a circle, we know that there are infinite number of this point in this circle geometrically. We call these points `coordinate points without dimension'. In Arabic `0' is shown as a point. When points are put linearly, lines emerge. Besides the geometric description we found that every point is a light particle and we called them `Quants' or `Photons'.
All matter and energy are composed of mini quants. These are pieces of beads and they are lined on a thread. These mini energy packets are the universe we know. Everything emerged from their
organisations. Every bead has a value of energy. Some of them we don't see. For example they are dangerous gamma radiation of an atom, X-ray, 7 colors, radio waves when we don't see them as colors. Even smelling mechanism emerges from this. But every bead's energy (number of ZIKR in Arabic) is different from each other and the ones with different energy levels don't interact with each other. The universe is the order of radiating and non-radiating points. These points are arranged from the EARTH (ARZ) to the HEAVENS (ARS). The four fundamental forces of the universe are united in an upper system. This means the uniting of the quants having different properties. Grand Unified Theory is based on this unification. Then we see that the particles with the temperature like hell at the beginning of the creation were less in amount but more condensed. After that these were tied to the common and main particle in the upper system. By that, by dividing and multiplying, it goes from the various and multi types to the less and at the end it reaches a single point. This is the white point itself. This white point is only one and is the whole universe. The name KUNNES is the first white point of the universe , main point. The meaning of the KUNNES is to expand to outside, opening, centrifugal effect. `BE' is in Arabic KUN. They are coming from the same origin. Because the universe emerged when `Be' was said with every quantity inside. The universe with everything inside was ready in trillion of a second. I mean quantity(reserve) had been determined. Nothing was added after that. Everything was created at the beginning. For example write a 10 and put 56 zeros near it. Now read!! This amount of matter was created. Eddington says there are 10+79 zeros of atoms in the universe. Whatever the number, everything was created with a life and reserve. This is called quantity. Now that reserve continues, expands and ends in doomsday. The universe was born from
a white point and it will finish with a black point with the weight of the universe. The universe created from KUNNES will be consumed by HUNNES.
World seems plain to us. But when we look at the horizon, we understand the curvature. Whatever the world is, the universe is like that. Euclid was the first to make a definition of space. He assumed the huge dimensions of the universe as plain. Gauss explained that our universe can't be plain and it is abstract and has curvature. Today numerous and multidimensional space models must be understood by mathematical equations. We can imagine spherical and packsaddle universes but we can't imagine `Hilbert's Space'. From Lobatchevski's packsaddle space, open universe models created before, but never will be destroyed, can be derived. But in the universe everything has an end and is spherical like Riemann's model. Atoms, planets, galaxies, and universe are spherical. A spherical universe has a beginning and an end. It is closed. It needs a creation and destruction. Einstein, by combining Riemann's space model with his teacher Minkowski's abstract time coordinate, put forth 4 dimensioned TIME-SPACE MODEL. He found energy-matter equivalence and the duality of light as both a wave and a particle. He found that the geometric gravitation had a dynamism and it was
not a force as Newton called it, but gravitation was a field. The universe was also not static, but dynamic. It was contracting or expanding. In 1920, Hubble found that the universe was expanding.
Newton told that the whole universe depended on a fixed gravitational coefficient. But Einstein found that matter sank into the plane space with a weight equal to its inertia mass and it made the space have cavity. The cavity was gravitating more it grew bigger. For example the sun was placed on a sheet in the space and it made the sheet have cavity. Indirectly the planets which also have their own space cavities and which couldn't go out of the sun's cavity turning around the sun. This was Riemann's space. Every matter created its own gravitation with a weight equal to its mass and it made time-space have cavity. This is Einstein's general relativity.
Pic 2: Euclid-Space
Lobachevskyspace model was based on an abstract geometry having negative curvature like a packsaddle. This model is not plane or spherical. Because of its curvature it has a relative diameter. It
is infinite like Euclid's model. It is shaped like a parabola coming from the infinity an going to the infinity. You can't come to the point where you started. You can draw infinite number of parallel
lines to a line from a point on this packsaddle. The total of inside angles of a triangle on this model is less than 180.
Pic 3: Lobachevsky-Space
Riemann told that the universe was like a uniform sphere. You can't draw a parallel line to this sphere from a point outside, because the parallel line turns round and intersect with the sphere. In Riemann's
model a triangle has more than 180 degrees, because the west and east longitudes from the North pole intersects the equator with 90 degrees. The longitudes intersect each other also on the north pole.
Riemann's space is not unlimited. You can find the point you started when you make a tour around this sphere. The universe is constituted from infinite number of models other the ones we mentioned above. It is an eternity tower.
The Believer (Mü'min) - 40/64: It is God who has made the earth a resting- place for you and the sky a canopy, and has formed you -and formed you so well and provided for you sustenance out of the good things of life. Such is God, your Sustainer: hallowed, then, is God, the Sustainer of all the worlds!
Pic 4: Riemann-Space
The Scatterers (Zariyat)-7: CONSIDER the firmament full of bended paths!
Pic 5: curvature of space
In Quran every term is separately explained. In cosmos there are separate universes called ALEM in Arabic. Universes are parallel pages in the cosmos book. In every universe there is SPACE. Time-
space is called heavens. Quran called the space-time which funnelling `cracked and folded heavens'.
There are 7 heavens. These are the layers of the universes. In every heavens there are constellations called BURUJ in Arabic. Stars are also pronounced. Some of them are like TARIQ. Some of them don't exist, they only have places. Some stars are black holes (HUNNES) and some arequasars (KUNNES).
The Cattle (En'am)-38: We have not neglected anything in the Book. Everything is explained in Quran.
(Galaxies are called mecerre in Arabic meaning gravitation centers which have spirals.)
Space is composed of 3 dimensions. Breadth, length and height. This is a geometrical coordinate system. In macro cosmos classical space is the EARTH in the universe. But in micro cosmos it is the mathematical common geometrical plain of coordinate system. Space is the composite of dimensions. As the verses in Quran say, `ALLAH defined measures'. Dimensions were created as existence like as they are the skeletons of the universe. In our concrete world, dimensions are abstractly breadth, length, and height. In space we use 3 dimensions as x,y,z. Once upon a time, time was considered not as a dimension but as a separate entity. Al Jabir (Al-Khwarizmi) who found the clock, nitric acid, `0' and algebra made definition of space and distance in the 8th century. Al Jabir found that time also is linear like space . Physical effect emerged from time-space as physical existence. Physical dynamism placed in the 3 dimensions of space having time constituted material existence. Physical effect is a base beyond the energy which is the ground of matter. Minkowski handled Jabir's findings. He combined them with Lorenz formulas and entered Einstein's theories. By that it was understood that time also have dimensions. Physical world was made of 3 dimensions combining with time. It is the set of effects in time – space.
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