Sonntag, 22. August 2010


Ya-Sin: 67-68: And if We wish We would surely transform them in their place, then they would not be able to go on, nor will they return. And whomsoever We cause to live long, We reduce (him) to an abject state in constitution; do they not then understand?

The universe has 4 dimensions. We now must define time. Before, space and time were considered separately, because there was no fixed indicator to define time. That's why Newton thought that some things were relative and some things were definite. A person who can't find a reference point defines a thing according to himself. After Newton, Michelson and Morley made experiments about the speed of light. They assumed the speed of light was varied, but they found that the light had a speed value fixed and unvarying in every direction. This fixed value was the opportunity Einstein was searching. The only thing unchanging in the universe was speed of light. 300.000km/sec. By that relativity theorem emerged. As the speed of light is fixed, every movement could be evaluated, measured relative to speed of light. This condition of time shows that it is a dimension. Single dimension is length, two dimensions are area and 3 dimensions are volume. These 3 can be measured by a ruler and these are called the space coordinates. But a time dimension matching with the speed of light can't be measured by a ruler , but by a clock. So we understand time is an abstract dimension. If we don't give a friend a time for an appointment he may wait for us forever. Place and time are given together. A plane can define its longitude, latitude and height, but if it doesn't tell the landing time it is useless. Einstein thought time dimension is needed. His teacher Hermann Minkowski added time dimension to Riemann's space earth model. This wasn't a length measured by a ruler. Minkowski defined time with complex imaginary numbers. Square root(-1) Space is a web of place-time. Time and space are different, but they can't be separated from each other. They are like nail and flesh. Space was fixed and concrete, time was variable and abstract.

Time is beyond matter. On the other hand, the three dimensions of space are concrete. We can't define time numerically. Time is the effect of `beyond matter' over matter. It is an etherical energy.
Certainly it must not have a fixed place on matter. Later on it was proved that time was both a dimension and it was varying, not fixed like other dimensions.

A) It is a dimension: Time's conformity with the other dimensions was verified. For example our universe has a life of 20 billion years. On the other hand our sun has 55 million years of life. But in mini structures like neutrinos, time shortens. For example a life of a neutron when extracted out an atom is 13 minutes. In subatomic scale, as the space gets smaller, time shortens. This is the proof that it is a dimension. Time gets longer or shorter parallel to the dimensions of space. In the huge dimensions of the universe time is considered as billion years, but in quant universes, everything starts and ends in billionth of a second. Some of the particles' life were so short that we can't observe them and so we define them as not particles but resonances.

B)Time is a variable dimension: Time is not fixed. This is explained by the hyperon quants, cosmic primaries. We can exemplify the fixture of dimensions with the unchangeability of half life of cosmic rays. In wave mechanics, half life is an unchanging physic-mathematic rule. So some particles having a life of billionth of a second must not reach our world, when starting from sun or moon. For example Eta particle is the subproduct of Sigma particle. It's life is 0.000000000000001 of a second. But it can be observed in the world. This can be only explained by the rejuvenation of time in relativity. Although it's life is a mathematical fact, and fixed, the one changing is only TIME. Changing thing is the time on the space.

Time flows in different speeds in different regions of space and time also flows in different speeds at the beginning and end of an event. The one changing is not the space but the flow of time.

Mearic (The Ways of Ascent):70-4: The angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years.

Relativity is lived not in events, but in the conditions of the universe. Time is not a calendar. Time is an arrangement on the rail of physical effects' changeability. Rail is fixed but the speed of the train changes. Train gets its dynamism from time. Our creative reserve called stimulus enters our universe with gravitation, magnetism, nuclear forces, and time force energy to quant region. Time is at the same time energy. A heavy object when sinking in the space, distorts not only the space but also time. So light gets late with the gravitational effect, it's road bends, gets long and it looses time.

Every object of the universe has a speed different from each other. But light has a fixed speed. Exactly 300.000 km/sec. This speed is the highest and never-varying speed in the universe. This constituted the relativity theorem. Because all the events are measured relative to this light speed, the name of the theory is relativity. The speed of light is at the same time the speed of flow of time. As there exists a sound wall, there also is a time wall. As the objects get fast, they get old late. Someone living a year in the speed of light remains 14 times younger than someone living normally on the world. If these two are 20 years old, the one faster after a year becomes 21, but the other becomes 34 years old. To make it easy to understand we will use twins. Twins are identical with hour difference. Rays of sun comes to the world in 8 min. 18 sec. Now let's go to the sun and let our twin stay on the world. Our watches both show 12:00. Suddenly at 12:00 we see our sun goes out and we inform this to our twin. But he doesn't believe, because the latest rays will illuminate the world 8 minutes more. When our twin sees the sun go out his watch shows 12:08. Then he verifies us. Two of them are right. There are such stars, their rays come billion years late. Maybe a star we see now died, there is no star there now. When we look at the far regions of the universe we see the history of the universe. For example let's assume we live in a planet 1400 years beyond of the world and we observe the world. Let's assume the year is 1985. As the lights come in 1400 years from the world, although we are in 1985, we will see the world in 585. There will be Roman Empire divided into two. There will be Gökturks. And prophet Mohammed will be 15 years old. We see that everything we assumed as past and died is living. This also shows the definition of fate and its unchanging nature. If we want to see the world in 1985 we must wait for 1400 years to pass. In 3385 we can see the world in 1985. This means there happens a single event in the universe and we perceive this differently according to distance. The going out of the sun is a single event. But we see it on the world after 8 minutes, after 4 years on a neighbour star and 1400 years after on a far star and 3 millions years after on a neighbour galaxy. All the observers are right. One concrete event becomes thousands of abstract events, because time is an abstract dimension. Then the one absolute was the speed of light, nothing must be absolute relative to it. As objects get faster, the values of them we assumed absolute begin to change. Everything in the universe changes when reached up to speed of light. Everything could change with gravitation and speed of light equal to this. For example the watch of the twin going faster stays back (late) relative to the other. His height gets shorter, and his weight gets 3 times more. For example the time of our twin going % 99 of speed of light gets 14 times slower. This means when he gets one year old, we get 14 years old.

Allah mentioned about relativity and abstract time in Quran. There are phases when matter converts into energy. As the speed increases, these phases become obscure and cloudy. Cloud means here stable
energy cloud in the form O settled wave. This is the definition in the indeterminism rule. The impulsive energy we give to make matter faster, when closer to the speed of light, is less effective. Our impulsive energy is added to the mass of the matter and it gets heavier. Our faster twin is 3 times heavier than us. And our twin is more energy, less matter. An object, as it gets faster, looses its matter qualities and convert to energy. This energy can be changed into any magnetic shape whatever it wants. The secret of Jinns who are made of fire (written in Quran) is this. They move very fast. Their time flows slowly. They get old late relative to us. A Jinn 70 years old, lived 980 years according to us. According to that Jinn our life is less than 10 years, because our time flows fast. The twins contradiction between Jinns and humans is the same between matter and energy. They are both right. Jinns and humans both live 70 years, but the speed of time is different. The verses in Quran tell that Jinns are made of energy. On the other hand their speed must flow equal to energy. As they have a mass they are concrete. There is a definition also at the level of electrons. As the electrons are settled (fixed), if they get fast until % 99 of speed of light, they become beta or cathode lights, and they save their property of both being a wave and a particle. This speed turns round the world 7.5 times.

Notions we assume fixed like time, length, and weight change at great speeds. Our twin moving with a speed closer to the speed of light has a height half of the other. His weight gets 3 times more. From 75 kg to 225 kg. If we had a transparent system to see our twin moving with 300.000 km/sec we could see these changes. As a matter of fact, because the transparent system where our twin is in, parallelly changed, according to our twin nothing changed. The atoms constituting that system also got smaller, heavier, and their time flows slowly. But if our twin looks at us, he can go mad. Because we would get higher, lighter. And our moves would be like a Charlie Chaplin film, very fast. Our watch would work madly, fast. Our hair would become white so fast. Jinns who are energy creatures see us like that. Both of the twins are right. Because every system measures the other with its own values, they see the twins contradict. Relativity theorem said `All the observers are right' to this contradiction. This is an axiom. This axiom shows that one event changes according to distance and speed relative to every observer and observers contradict with each other. So everything in the universe are relative to each other. Time contradiction is very surprising to us, because when starting from 20 years old, one twin after ten years gets 30, but the other gets 160.

In Quran in Neml (Ant), there is an important hint about the speeds of Jinns-Satans. Solomon wanted the throne of Sebe Queen. When he told this one of the Jinns in his order volunteered to bring it.

The Ant (Neml)- 39: A stalwart of the Jinns said: "I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted."

The Ant talks about Hızır (al Khidr;) master of time. Said one who had knowledge of the Book:
"I will bring it to thee before ever thy glance returns to thee!"

Then when (Solomon) saw it placed firmly before him, he said:
"This is by the Grace of my Lord!- to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! and if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is (a gain) for his own soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honor !"

In this event there are some important points. First the speed ability of Jinns, second theory of relativity. Third somebody with science and technology faster than Jinns. Jinns said before Solomon moved, but Hızır said before blinking his eyes. So Jinns' speed is lower than light. This equals to the speed of the accelerated electrons. Although nearer to the speed of light, it is a speed that can be accelerated and decelerated. But light never gets slow, always at the same speed. In Quran time concept is not singular. There are some other terms related with time. Relativity is shown in the related verses. As the time is a variable dimension, a life can pass in time over periods. From the verses we understand that the time in the world is very short relative to the regions beyond cosmos. Relative to the cosmic time, time in the world plus time in the hyperspace are shorter than 1 hour.

Jonah 45: And on the day when He will gather them together: (It will be) as if they had tarried but an hour of a day: they will recognize each other: assuredly those will be lost who denied the meeting with Allah and refused to receive true guidance.

Near the concept of eternity, time on the world plus death and doomsday is very short. The anguish of time will be longer especially for the unbelievers. According to this inverse proportion, the unbelievers will give wrong answers to the question, `How long have you stayed on the world?'And they also will try to make the angels testify.

The Believers (Al-Mu-minûn) -112/113/114: He will say: "How many years did ye stay on earth?" They will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day: but ask those who keep account." He will say: "Ye stayed not but a little,- if ye had only known!

Romans (Roum)-55: On the Day that the Hour (of Reckoning) will be established, the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour: thus were they used to being deluded!

The Draggers (Naziat)–those who pull out:46: The Day they see it, (it will be) as if they had tarried but a single evening, or (at most till) the following morn!

Let's leave our twin on the world, and go to the space and return in 10 years with the speed of light. When we return, we will see that 140 years will have passed. Everything we left alive will be in the
grave. We will face a new civilization. This is the civilization of our grandsons and granddaughters. We have passed to the future. But when you are reading this, you may say you don't have children and grandsons. But we will have in the future. When the day comes, this plan will be fulfilled. This plan and program is the proof of destiny. When we go to the time after 140 years, we will meet our
grandsons. They are also surprised, because we must have died 140 years before. They are unborn posterity for us. We are dead forebears for them. This shows that future is waiting for us readily. This means destiny had been written before. The past is always living. Grandson and grandfather are both right. Dead and alive are synchronised. Because the physical concept enabling us to pass from the past to the future proved that the one faster can stay younger and pass to the future with 1/14 equivalence. If we returned back after 20 years, 280 years and if we returned after 40 years, 560 years would have passed. If we had a speed competing with the speed of light, when we went 1 day and came back 1 day 2000 years would have passed like Jesus Christ. Synchronisation in time can make past and future meet. First we have just proved the destiny, second Allah told about the relativity 14 centuries ago.

We can't understand immediately whether our ship or the one next to us is moving. Then we look at something fixed. For example the harbour is fixed. According to the harbour which ship moves, we decide it moves. Here the harbour is a reference. There are verse sin Quran mentioning the stars to find our direction and moves.

Bee (Nahl)-16: And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars (men)guide themselves.

Dynamic universe is moving. Everything turns round according to something. Even light speed can't help us find our place in trillions of wheels, because relativity is valid in near space. Universal relativity on the other hand is only valid absolutely for Allah's Heavens. Because there must be only one absolute fixedness. From the infinite wheels from upside down only one absolute observation over observations must emerge. The absolute reality. This emerges from the secret of heavens which is the only one not turning. Allah mentions the relativity of time in three of his books and told 1 day equals to 1000 years that we count in this layer. This is relativity. By this 1 day equals to 1000 years in those layers means time in those layers flows 360.000 times slower than us. A speed there is the 360.000 times the multiple of the speed of light. If we didn't have a future ready by accelerating, we would have suspicions about the destiny, our accelerated twin wouldn't pass to the future of his grandsons. If there wasn't a destiny, there wouldn't be a prophecy. The simplest prophecy is the events that we see in our dreams becoming real in the future.'I have seen this in my dream!'This is clairvoyance or prophecy. This shows us that our future will be lived like a video band. This video band is the destiny. It is recorded in the Secluded Disc (Levhi Mahfuz) To see the future in clairvoyance is not illicit like fortune telling. It is a scientific prophecy. We can be aware of the future with the permission of Allah. But only Allah knows the future, if he wishes he informs us. Destiny is recorded on the Secluded Disc by Pen. It is programmed. This preserves both our future and our forgotten past. Each human being has angels recording what he or she does. We will face up with these records in the Hereafter. This will be multidimensional high technology video band.

The Believers (Mü'minun) 112/113: He will say: "How many years did ye stay on earth?" They will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day, but ask those who keep account."

These verses mention about the technology recording the 11 dimensioned life. Recorders,counters are angels. For example somebody having an accident says `I have seen whole of my life'.This is discharge of the ACCOUNT BOOK. Today science mathematically proved the super-space of collective subconscious on which everyone's conscious unite together. This is the result of the Integrity Rule of the Quantum Theorem. This rule tells that individuals are members of the SINGULARITY.

Time has a lot of properties. It is a dimension. At the same time it is energy and has two dimensions. Also it is etherical and has three dimensions. It gets shorter or longer relative to the speed. It also
changes because the universe gets colder. This is the tensor of time. A physical event can be frozen in the time drawer, it can be eternal. (At black holes) At the same time time travelling is possible both to the future and to the past. Time can work forward or backward. Time is variable. It doesn't flow with the same speed at each level of the universe. Sometimes it is a tangent dimension and it doesn't enter the event. Even the time changes, predestined amount of life doesn't change. Time doesn't flow with the same speed at each layer of the universe. This is shown in Quran:

The Pilgrimage (Hac) - 47: And they challenge thee to hasten the coming upon them of chastisement: but God never fails to fulfill His promise - and, behold, in thy Sustainer?s sight a day is like a thousand years of your reckoning..

Prostration (Secde) - 5: He governs all that exists, from the celestial space to the earth; and in the end all shall ascend unto Him [for judgement] on a Day the length whereof will be [like] a thousand years of your reckoning.

Mearic:4: all the angels and all the inspiration [ever granted to man] ascend unto Him [daily,] in a day the length whereof is [like] fifty thousand years.

We understand that at the upper regions of the cosmos, 1 day equals to 365.000 days and in some other regions 1 day equals to 18.250.000days. This means relativity is real and there exist levels of cosmos faster than light. The notion that 1 day=1000 world years is the relativity theorem and the notion of 50.000 years points to the speed of tachyons. Tachyons are faster than speed of light. According to Feinberg formulas a tachyon is the 361.000 times multiple of speed of light. Really 1 day equals to 1000 years. Tachyons are made from Nur in Arabic which is the infinitely intrinsic energy opposite to ours. Allah also mentions about relativity related with some prophets. For example Idris in:

Maria (Meryem) - 56/57: And mention Idris in the Book; surely he was a truthful man, a prophet, And We raised him high in Heaven.

Jesus Christ is a different time traveller. He was born without father, he has the Holy Spirit. He is the poorest prophet opposite to Solomon. Allah took him to heavens alive. As 1 day=1000 years, he was taken in 1 day and will return back in 1 day. Totally 2 days. 2000 years. But how long has he waited there? Jesus Christ will come back in the future. He won't be a prophet, but will be Messiah with Quran and as Muslim. The return of Jesus is one of the great signs of doomsday. He will fight with the Zionist lobby in the future. And Christians will convert to Islam when he comes. Jesus will kill the Lynx (Deggal), Satan and will stop Gogs and Magogs. After he kills the Satan, humans will be satanic after a period of time. There will be an era of HANNAS-VANNAS. At the end there won't be a person saying `Allah'. And doomsday will come. Time travellers like Mighty (Mehdi), Almighty (Hızır - master of Time), John the Baptist (Yahya) and Jesus will be synchronised in the future. Jesus's secret is relative. One of the surprises of the time is that cause and effect rules unite in time and become single. This is a special situation. Cause of birth of Jesus is his in the past. Return back of Jesus emerges from Holy Spirit which is the result in the future. The thing that makes Jesus in the past is the reason in the future `Holy Spirit'. Existence of Jesus in the past is the secret of the verses in Quran `Jesus is the word of Allah' which is the result of that reason. According to mathematics of time, Holy Spirit Works in harmony with the concrete relativistic region where time rejuvenates eternally and the region of reverse causality where time works reverse.

The title means flow of time in artificial sleep. Hibernation is the freezing of time, conservation of time where living beings are conserved by freezing and when the time comes make them return back to life by heating. Hibernation is best mentioned in Quran the Cave. 7 sleepers or Ashabi-Kehf in Arabic are believers of Allah with their dog. Kehf means giant subterranean cave. Ashabi-Kehf had stayed and slept in Cave for 309 years in order to be saved from an unbelieving and merciless king.

The Cave (Kehf) – 9/10/11/12: Or, do you think that the Fellows of the Cave and the Inscription were of Our wonderful signs? When the youths sought refuge in the cave, they said: Our Lord! grant us mercy from Thee, and provide for us a right course in our affair. So We prevented them from hearing in the cave for a number of years. Then We raised them up that We might know which of the two parties was best able to compute the time for which they remained.

This mentions about relativity and the contradiction of twins.

The Cave (Kehf) - 16/17/18: And when you forsake them and what they worship save Allah, betake yourselves for refuge to the cave; your Lord will extend to you largely of His mercy and provide for you a profitable course in your affair. And you might see the sun when it rose, decline from their cave towards the right hand, and when it set, leave them behind on the left while they were in a wide space thereof. This is of the signs of Allah; whomsoever Allah guides, he is the rightly guided one, and whomsoever He causes to err, you shall not find for him any friend to lead (him) aright. And you might think them awake while they were asleep and We turned them about to the right and to the left, while their dog (lay) outstretching its paws at the entrance; if you looked at them you would certainly turn back from them in flight, and you would certainly be filled with awe because of them.

These verses mention about Ashabi-Kehf staying in hibernation, time drawer.

The Cave (Kehf) - 19: And thus did We rouse them that they might question each other. A speaker among them said: How long have you tarried? They said: We have tarried for a day or a part of a day. (Others) said: Your Lord knows best how long you have tarried. Now send one of you with this silver (coin) of yours to the city, then let him see which of them has purest food, so let him bring you provision from it, and let him behave with gentleness, and by no means make your case known to any one.

This verse mentions about relativity. Their time passed in cave, 300 sun years or 309 moon years.

The Cave (Kehf) - 25: And they remained in their cave three hundred years and (some) add (another) nine.
Ya-Sin - 67: And if We wished we would surely transform them in their place, then they would not be able to go on, nor will they return.

This is also similar to our subject. Time conservation in Cave will be mentioned in the future on the subjects of time energy and singularity of a black hole.

The Ant (Neml) - 40: One who had the knowledge of the Book said: I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye. Then when he saw it settled beside him, he said: This is of the grace of my Lord that He may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful; and whoever is grateful, he is grateful only for his own soul, and whoever is ungrateful, then surely my Lord is Self-sufficient, Honoured.

The one who has science from the BOOK is Hızır, master of time. In Quran his name is not pronounced. He is a time traveller. Another time traveller is Lokman. Both of them have science from the level of Allah. Hızır got science from the ZEÐ-ZAÐ level of the Heavens. It is the lowest level of the Heavens. There is Secluded Disc here. In the Cave Hızır is mentioned indirectly. Moses and his young servant Yusha try to find him. The point they are looking for is the one where Red Sea and Mediterranean unite. Here also, the community of Moses will pass through the sea, when Moses hits the sea with his staff and divides it into two. Pharaoh and his army will be drowned when the see unites over them. After thousands of years at the same point, the dead body of Pharaoh will be found prostrating as a lesson to people.

The Cave (Kehf) - 60/61/62/63/64: And when Moses said to his servant: I will not cease until I reach the junction of the two rivers or I will go on for years. So when they had reached the junction of the two (rivers) they forgot their fish, and it took its way into the sea, going away. But when they had gone farther, he said to his servant: Bring to us our morning meal, certainly we have met with fatigue from this our journey. He said: Did you see when we took refuge on the rock then I forgot the fish, and nothing made me forget to speak of it but the Shaitan (Satan), and it took its way into the river; what a wonder! He said: This is what we sought for; so they returned retracing their footsteps.

These verses tell that when Moses and his servant understand their dead fish as their meal got alive and escaped to the sea, they returned back to the point and found Hızır.

The Cave (Kehf) - 65/66/67/68/69/70: Then they found one from among Our servants whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourselves. Moses said to him: Shall I follow you on condition that you should teach me right knowledge of what you have been taught? He said: Surely you cannot have patience with me And how can you have patience in that of which you have not got a comprehensive knowledge? He said: If Allah pleases, you will find me patient and I shall not disobey you in any matter. He said: If you would follow me, then do not question me about any thing until I myself speak to you about it.

Moses can't be patient, because he isn't accustomed to thinking result before reason. And Hızır rebukes him 3 times. There are a lot of people all over the world saying they saw Hızır for a moment existing and then disappearing. Hızır's first property is science. He uses science for humanitarian aims. With the order of Allah, he changes the past, by that he changes the future. In the Cave he kills a baby, sinks a ship, and mends a wall.

The Cave - 71/72/73/74/75/76/77/78/79/80/81/82: So they went (their way) until when they embarked in the boat he made a hole in it. (Moses) said: Have you made a hole in it to drown its inmates?Certainly you have done a grievous thing. He said: Did I not say that you will not be able to have patience with me? He said: Blame me not for what I forgot, and do not constrain me to a difficult thing in my affair. So they went on until, when they met a boy, he slew him. (Moses) said: Have you slain an innocent person otherwise than for manslaughter? Certainly you have done an evil thing. He said: Did I not say to you that you will not be able to have patience with me? He said: If I ask you about anything after this, keep me not in your company; indeed you shall have (then) found an excuse in my case. So they went on until when they came to the people of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused to entertain them as guests. Then they found in it a wall which was on the point of falling, so he put it into a right state. (Moses) said: If you had pleased, you might certainly have taken a recompense for it. He said: This shall be separation between me and you; now I will inform you of the significance of that with which you could not have patience As for the boat, it belonged to (some) poor men who worked on the river and I wished that I should damage it, and there was behind them a king who seized every boat by force. And as for the boy, his parents were believers and we feared lest he should make disobedience and ingratitude to come upon them: So we desired that their Lord might give them in his place one better than him in purity and nearer to having compassion. And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father was a righteous man; so your Lord desired that they should attain their maturity and take out their treasure, a mercy from your Lord, and I did not do it of my own accord. This is the significance of that with which you could not have patience. 

Hızır also transfers the high technology of the future to the past. Hızır, Mighty, Jesus Christ and John the Baptist(Yahya) will be synchronised in the future. The latest duty of Hızır is to warn all people against Deggal-Lynx. When he warns all people, his life energy comes to end and Lynx will catch him and kill him. Jesus will kill Lynx. The long duty of Hızır comes from the 2 Zs of Zilzal which is the secret code of time quake. These 2 Zs are the source two of Allah's names Zul Celali Vel Ýkram and Zahir. These are Heaven's representatives. The earth's representatives are Zulkarneyn and Hızır. Hızır is the bridge between Zulkarneyn and Mighty-Messiah. It is an average 7800 year bridge. The function of Hızır is from Zeg-Zag letters which are the initials of Zelzeletül Zeman (time quake) Hızır is the witness of all the Holy Books and Holy Pages in Secluded Disc. Also he was ready when these books and pages were being sent down to earth. He told Zulkarneyn who he will become in the future when he was young and he equipped him with Allah's science and technology. The lowest level of the heavens is called Zez-Zað. Zez-Zað is the pronunciation of 2 Zs in Arabic. It is the sign of the angel Cassiel (Kasfiyail) Cassiel is the angel of Quake and electromagnetic events. It is the manager of Saturday and manager of whole transuranic elements beginning with Lead, manager of Capricorn and Aquarius. 7 layers of Heavens are as follows from upside down:


Hızır's talk ends in the Cave-82 and the Cave-83 begins with Zulkarneyn.

The Cave (Kehf) - 83: And they ask you about Zulqarnain. Say: I will recite to you an account of him.

Zulkarneyn is not a prophet. It is not his name. It is a code. Zul=Owner, Karn=Horn, Eyn=Two. Two horned. We may think of a German helmet. In German myths there is a term `corn' meaning both horn and peninsula. For example Thule Korn is Thule Peninsula. Thule is the extension of a sunken continent combining Island to Scandinavia. Roman sources call it Thule Insula. Moreover, Thule is pronounced as Zul. Arabic `karn' and German `Korn' both mean horn. Arabic `karn' also means ERA. According to Ledunni sciences, (Ledun means Le=Secluded Disc=Levhi mahfuz Dun=Dunya=World) this means owner of two eras. It also means ebb and flow of time energy between reason and result of Zilzal, between two poles of time. In Quran some verses have 7, some have 14, and some have 49 meanings. According to physics, when you direct white light to a prism, you get 7 different colors. In Quran there is a rule of folded 7s.

The Rock (Hicr) - 87: And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated and the grand Quran.

Also according to Ledunni sciences Zulkarneyn means `crescent' or a magnet in the shape of a horseshoe.

The Cave (Kehf) - 84: Surely We established him in the land and granted him means of access to every thing.

These verses tell that Hızır and Zulkarneyn unite in the name of Zulkarneyn. He was equipped with high technology and scientific solutions.

The Cave (Kehf) - 85/86: So he followed a course (He was directed). Until when he reached the place where the sun set, he found it going down into a black sea, and found by it a people. We said: O Zulqarnain! either give them a chastisement or do them a benefit.

He cruised to the farthest West. The era is about the Asian Mongolians cruising through Bering Strait toward America. Dark red Indians. There are a lot of places in America with shallow regions like Florida Swamps or Amazon red Swamps. Maybe Antilles and the Bahamas seem like red swamps when the sun goes down. Moreover, American civilisations like Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, Tolteks chose their gods from white race. They don't have red skin. They are blond, blue eyed and red beard. On the other hand Indians don't have beard. Quetzalcoatl is a name very near to Zulkarneyn.
Quetzalcoatl came from east in a birdlike device. He taught a lot of technical science to Indians. Some day he disappeared with the promise of returning back. After thousands of years when Spanish conquistadores came to America, Indians worshipped them because of their white skins and beard. Spanish people killed millions of Indians. Spanish people also found other things. Indians had drawn pictures of camels and horses which had never lived in America before. They told in their tablets a great flood had devastated the world, some of them had been rescued by Ma Noa `Father of Water', the Tower of Zacuali made for him, conquered by evil kings, they had been punished, because they had revolted against gods, people speaking only one language, from then on speaking different languages and hadn't understood each other . This is similar Babylonia Tower event. Meanwhile in their tablets there were similarities with Sam languages and archaeological findings.

The Cave (Kehf) - 89-90: Then followed he (another) way, Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun. Zulkarneyn was directed to east. 

The Cave (Kehf) - 91: We completely knew what was with him.

This talks about the equipment of Zulkarneyn.

The Cave (Kehf) - 92-99: Then followed he (another) way, Until, when he reached (a tract) between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who scarcely understood a word. They said: "O Zulqarnain! the Gog and Magog do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them? He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute). Help me therefore with strength (and labor): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them: Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead." Thus were they made powerless to scale it or to dig through it. (98)He said: "This is a mercy from my Lord: But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust; and the promise of my Lord is true." On that day We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another: the trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together. 

These verses talk about the 3. course of Zulkarneyn. Here it tells about Gogs and Magogs speaking a different language. Zulkarneyn made a barrier from iron and copper with high technology. The Cave 98 talks about the opening of barrier in the future which Zulkarneyn postponed. Kehf may mean subterranean caves under the mountains. This verse talks about the 7 heavens and 7 earths.

The Divorce (Talak) – 12: Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His Command: that ye may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends, all things in (His) Knowledge. 

14 earths and firmaments are separated by time phases. This may mean time flows in 14 different speeds. Also Allah says `My earth is very large'. Zulkarneyn barrier is a time barrier. Zulkarneyn came back from the future to the past. Gogs and Magogs were postponed to the future and Jesus Christ will kill them.

Matter is the appearance of unlimited intrinsic energy faster than speed of light and independent of time. This unlimited intrinsic energy gets slower and is tied to time. This is matter. The first condition of being a matter is the dependence of it to space-time dimensions. As dimensions get smaller, time gets shorter. This is called being caught by 4th dimension. The term of life given to living beings which are in matter form doesn't change. Unlimited intrinsic energy (NUR) is independent of time. Quants coming from NUR which are energy packets, energy strings are the base of matter. As they are created dependent of time they have a term of life and they will die. So all of the living beings' speed and term of life are limited. When causality emerges, term of life emerges. Term of life is the interval between birth and death. 

Every energy packet has a short or long term of life depending on the intensity of the energy. When we determine the space coordinates of the matter particles, we can calculate their life terms. Energy packets (quants) adapt themselves to space-time. Their term of life is decided. They get mathematical stableness, geometrical continuity and the right to be a physical existence. Every existence adapted to time dimension is finite. This is called half-life in quantum physics. According to Heisenberg's indeterminism rule you can estimate how many people will die, but you can't estimate who will die. This is about destiny. Term of life is related to destiny. It doesn't change. Let's take twins. One of them is going to die in 70 years. The other although lives with speed of light also dies in 70 years, but the world gets 980 years. He went beyond ages. Jesus, Hızır also have a limited term of life, but they go beyond ages. Relatively they live 20-78 centuries. This is a very short term like a day for them. Lynx will kill Hızır, Jesus will kill Lynx. Jesus's grave is near Mohammed's grave. Zulkarneyn postponed Gogs and Magogs. Hızır will face up with Lynx. Jesus is the composition of Hızır and Zulkarneyn. He will kill Gogs and Magogs, Satan and Lynx. Ashabi-Kehf (7 sleepers in the cave) went beyond 309 years by the conservation of time energy. They slept average 8 hours, but 309 years passed on the world. Time is both a linear and 3 dimensional energy. You may live a special destiny in time. During Mohammed's Ascension, ages passed during his dialogue with Allah. Jesus met Allah. Ascension and descension of Jesus took 2000 years. And it took average 8 hours, 309 years, to stay in the Firmament. 2310 is the return back date of Jesus. 

Relatively angels need 1 day equal to 50.000 years to reach the level of Allah. During the Ascension of Mohammed, this interval covers whole history and future of the universe. But when he returned back, his bed didn't cool. Term of life can pass in a faster time. We will see in the future that the rest of the universe's life will finish in a black hole. The longest dreams take less than a second. When in a dream, there is no time. Only body responses take long and we feel the interval of the dream. Destiny and time are physical reality. We can observe these realities in laboratories and universal events. The most important property of time is that, it annihilates the pair of matters and makes them singular. A pair of matter converts into a pair of energy. Energies unite in the upper system beyond quant level. They become mainly singular. Time by half-life, decreases matter and converts it into singularity. Time is a ruler of destiny. It screening the destiny. From the fluctuations of time energy, getting old and death emerge. Time is a static energy. It causes a quant in space to be matter and to get a destiny.

Time was the fourth dimension, but during the existence of matter as quant besides the 4 forces it took place as energy as 5th force. Kozirev, according to this told that time is etherical energy. Time
is physically fourth dimension, but also it is a special energy mould (form) spreading radioactively. This energy, by using 4th  dimension, was adding energy to all events breaking synchronisation which binds every event in the universe. Living beings were living this addition by absorbing time energy and every event, to exist, and when no more it could, they would die. 

Time energy is not quantic. The energies we know are the kinetic and potential energies of quants. Time energy is a static `out of quant' energy. Also there is a different energy in our body which is not quantic. This is aura in our body's Kirlian bio-magnetoplasma. This is our self. This bio-electromagnetic radiation surrounds our body. It is an electromagnetic field. It saves our cells, manages our body, gives duties to our organs. It causes the migration of fetus in uterus. Our Kirlian body is in the order of our instincts of self and in the order of our visual pleasures. There are magnetic resonances in it. It provides synchronisation in our organism, because as time as an energy breaks the synchronisation , our Kirlian body provides synchronisation in our body work. Kozirev found that molecules making life work and form differently from the molecules without life because of time energy. As we know biologic living beings use left amino acids. Our heart is on the left. Because of Levo rule, left hand rule, living beings refract polarised light to left. For example in our laboratories, synthetic sugar crystals refract light to right, but real sugar molecules making living beings refract light to left. We can't produce synthetic honey.

Kozirev showed that organisms formed for left refracting light can best absorb time energy. In glucose burning experiments, the units behaving as smallest living beings get spiralled, to live longer, they save time energy. DNA spirals, codes are spiralled ladders to absorb time energy best, according to crystal cage geometry. DNA molecules are spiralled like infinite ladders. Living beings' bio-geometry is the form of Gravitation-Time.

There is a time aberration. Because of this aberration, there exist time traps. The reason is that our sun's black twin applies time- gravitation ebb and flows. So time aberration happens. TENSOR is the increasing or decreasing of time intensity. 

One of Kozirev's biggest successes is that he found that time flows at different speeds on the beginning and end of an event. He proved with torsion-balance equipment that time flows at 3 different speeds when a rubber is pulled. At the point where rubber is tied to the wall time flows similar to our speed. But at the pulling point, it was spent more. At the point where it tears away, atoms adhered to dimensions showing their matter properties very firmly, so time energy consumption was zero. As time energy doesn't flow at 2 ends of an event, as it is variable, we can't think of a fixed cosmic time. Time must flow with different acceleration during ages.

For example when we throw a cannonball, at the beginning, its speed is `0'. Then it gets velocity and 1-4-9-16-25 times it gets speed. Then it looses its energy and it gets slow with the speed and it falls. Time is the same. It had acceleration. Acceleration is the velocity of velocity.

For example 1 million years ago, time flowed very fast. The life of the universe was 1 million years with that measure. But with the measure nowadays it may be 20 billion years. The era we call 5 billion years ago might be 500.000 years ago. Because our time measurements depend on the universe's freezing period, how about during the freezing, time also was getting faster or slower? As we know long life is for huge creatures. For example the heaviest animal, `whale' or a great plane-tree has 500-700 years of life. How about Sequoia trees in America? They are older than Jesus. By counting the rings in the trunk we can estimate the age of trees.

For example Moses fought a creature called Nephilim. And a bridge was established with its bones. Also David fought and killed Goliath with a sling stone. Moreover first examples of human skeletons in Java or Peking have 3.80-4.20 m heights. Adam was 40 metres. Whales were mammals passing from land to sea. When dimensions get bigger, life is longer. If gravitation is less, living beings must be greater to have balance. They must get heavier and their volume must be bigger. If gravitation wasn't less living beings couldn't walk on two legs. This destroys the evolution theorem of Darwin. First prophets' lives were between 1100-720 years. There mustn't be 1 million years between us and them. Human history is only maybe 20.000 years. As time-gravitation tensor changed acceleratingly, living beings were not annihilated by evolution theorem, but they got smaller. Humans got smaller as time tensor changed. Now they are average 1.75 m, 70 kg and have average 60 years of life. Also life term doesn't change mathematically. Half-life is fixed. The one changing is the flow speed of time. As time is a changing dimension, living beings got accustomed to this. This isn't evolution, this is transformation. Gravitation increases in time. Gravitational waves show gravitational properties as they escape from the object. As gravitation increases, the world shrinks.

Hızır can go backward and forward in time. On the other hand Ashabi-Kehf (7 sleepers in the cave), Jesus, our relativistic twin always go forward in time. To understand how we go back in time, first of all we must learn to go forward. Then to the regions where slows down, where time stops, where eternity point exists, and then we pass this beyond and go back in time. Roads in time, mix of
future and past, aberrations in time happen on over-magnetic fields.

Until now in quantum physics, time wasn't handled by science. Quantum theorem says macrocOsmosis is made of quants (micro particles) This theory forgot something. Time disjunction of atomic elements. Atoms are made of electrons, protons and neutrons. Because of their speed electrons don't share the same clock with nucleus. Electron's clock is younger than nucleus's. By the way atom theorem is changed, we will talk about it later on.

Nucleus has a determined position and time. They can be measured, but electrons are indeterminate. Electrons can get faster or slower. It's acceleration can be measured by the fact it enlarges its orbit. Each electron confronts with the nucleus synchronise. At quantum level nucleus and electron see each other as clouds semi abstractly. At freezing point they see each other much more clearly, because electron gets slower and shares the same clock with nucleus. In our example nucleus represents matter and electrons represent energy. In other words, nucleus represents our physical body and electrons represent our self, our wise energy body. Nucleus is human and electron is Jinn. Electrons can get faster until the 99% of speed of light. (cathode rays) The nucleus can't see them like we can't see Jinns. Let's leave our twin on the world and let's get faster until the last speed of electrons. When we look back we see the world as a cloud, as a hollow sphere. We feel we can pass through it. The world looses its material properties. Then we find Gogs and Magogs and Jinns. As we get faster there won't be a world. The sky covering the world will be ground. As our rockets have lower speeds they can go out of easily. 

But at the limit of electrons' speed, we can't go out of the sky, we collide to that sky.(ground). Then we will be able to see that we don't live on a sphere, but we live on the inside surface of that sphere. The reason we call the sky `a hollow world' is that the different levels of speed show us the polarized, one within another underground worlds. We understand that the 7 earths concept. In the sky we find an underground world. This underground world emerges from the fact that speed twists time. Whether on the ground or in the sky,on the same place, but at different times (a synchronisation) there are other worlds one within another at different phases. These worlds have different creatures like Gogs and Magogs and Jinns. For example our astronaut travelling at one of the speeds of these worlds may face up with Jinns. This is synchronisation. As Quran mentions Gogs' an Magogs' invasion will happen after the synchronisation of two worlds at the same place.

There is a way to escape from Jinns. If you get faster and reach the speed of light, hollow worlds and everything are erased and there exists a space without matter. At the speed of light we enter the super space. Time is tangent here and it is not a dimension. So when time doesn't flow eternity concept freezes. We are like 7sleepers in the cave. In this solid relativistic region everything fixed relative to each other, there is no matter, we are in the gray nullity region. Relativity tells us matter can't travel faster than light. But we assume we are a human not from matter but from light and we can get faster. If we passed beyond the speed of light little bit, we could see that the nullity region would be filled with caves and tunnels, we could face up with a tunnel like a cave and as we got faster the tunnel would reach to us. If we get slower the tunnel will go far away and vanish. But if we got faster at the end of the tunnel, a cable of a black hole emerges and swallows us. Whenever it swallows us, it throws us to the ages when our ancestors lived.

We can't hold our twin as a matte at the speed of light. His matter body will vanish. To make our twin faster we add whole universe's (cosmos) energy to our twin but also he can't pass the speed of light as a matter.

As we mention `power of Allah' we mean the energy bigger than the universe's energy. Matter converts to energy at the speed of light. As energy it will have `0' mass. E=mc2. As a matter of fact matter is made of energy. Matter is made of atoms, atom are made of quants which are energy white points. Matter is the combination of energy packets, like wagons of a train. As energy's density is zero at the moving form, it also has a mass and it bends in 4 dimensioned time-space. It is influenced by gravitation. As energy packets have mass they will also die. It is refracted by gravitation, it dies in black hole gravitation.

Jinns have energy body, they don't have matter body. If we reached the speed of light, it would be difficult to find a time and space. That's why as we don't know what energy is like we can only know its functions. Because speed of light is identical to speed of time flow when we reach the speed of light we reach the time wall. We lose our matter qualities and our energy properties begin fluidly. As the 4th dimension finishes when we pass beyond the speed of light we see the5th dimension. This 5th dimension is mind, conscious and it is abstract.

When we reach the speed of light our clock stops. 1 second is equal to eternity. It is enough for a heart to beat once. As time doesn't flow our last breath of oxygen is enough. We don't get older, because time doesn't flow. Let's have an immortal twin from light. This twin doesn't need a body and its needs. There is no definition of shape of energy. You can form it in anyway like dough. As energy's density is `0' it isn't effected by gravitation, this can tell us about Jinns heavens.

The Rangers (Saffat) - 5: The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the easts.

Allah tells us about the regions faster than light, slower than light and limit region. The easts are meaning that as time flows reversely, birth and death become reverse.

The Rangers (Saffat) - 6/7: Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment,the stars, And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious Satan.

These verses tell us about the magnetosphere against the storms of sun, ozone layer, against cosmic rays and Jinns of heavens.

The Rangers (Saffat) - 8/9: They cannot listen to the exalted-assembly ( Mele-i Ala) and they are thrown at from every side, Being driven off, and for them is a perpetual chastisement.

Mele-i Ala (Arabic) means here groups of angels at the faster than light region. As speed of light is tangent to this region, there is a possibility to listen to here. On the other hand in,

Jinn-9: And that we used to sit in some of the sitting-places thereof to steal a hearing, but he who would (try to) listen now would find a flame lying in wait for him.

This verse tells us that heavens are prohibited for Jinns. They can't listen to there. So we find a polarized space which is the source of cosmic rays.

The Rangers (Saffat) - 10: Except him who snatches off but once, then there follows him a brightly shining-flame.
Ya-Sin - 67: And if We wished we would surely transform them in their place, then they would not be able to go on, nor will they return.

This is the secret of space over space (Super-Space), eternity region. This verse tells us that our body will die, but there is an immortality without a body.

Let's now travel with speed of light and see what happens when we reach continuity without body, eternal immortality. If there exists nothing coming from opposite direction and hitting us, in other
words, if every existence flows in the same direction we are really going to be immortal. Because everything flows with the same speed without being relative to each other. When this happens we feel we don't move we are always standing at the same place. Nobody moves. We can't perceive any other motion. This is absolute immobility.

But if an electron or a photon hits us straight perpendicularly, our end would come. In other words, because matter is relatively slower than energy, we would feel a matter would hit us and we stand immobile. For example as we are photons emitted by sun, we would feel the sun was going away from us at the speed of light and the world coming to us with the speed of light and we would crash the world. We would try to find a way, be swallowed by the energy levels of the world atoms.

Indirectly, it is obviously clear that Jinns pass through every space , aperture and we understand these creatures aren't immortal. When we reach the speed of light, we would reach the space over space. What does this eternal life give? Dread! When we reach the speed of light, we would pass beyond the Jinns. This third region was a hidden unfound region. The best definition was given to this region by Willem de Sitter, Dutch physician, such that he thought of space without any matter, plane like Euclid, but with unlimited dimensions. The universe will at the end reach this intermediary region where it is empty but multi dimensioned and which neither must expand nor must contract. At this region there is not matter, light will never bend, everything will be energy.

This is both without time and without space. Super-space is the region where ether can be seen by the eye. There are only tunnels. This space is without function and over geodesy. This super-space was found by John Wheeler and this is called in Quran `Misal Alemi'. Ether is an abstract space which can be shaped by thought, vibrating faster than speed of light and it supports the electromagnetic radiation. We will talk about it later on. It is a strange feeling to think of time without space.

For example Istanbul always exists. But if we say 1453, we know which Istanbul Or let's think of a man aged 33. If we reach the speed of light, we see that all the pictures concerning his ages come over each other and aren't clearly visible. They are a bundle of energy without space. We can't understand whether he is a baby or he is old. When we reach the speed of light, our world is the world of every age. We will see the world with old and new animals, living-dead, all creatures as bundle, a cloud or the truest word as a tunnel. This is called `whole and real creation in physics' and we will talk about it later on.

As we are a human from light we will see matter slower than speed of light and we will see the tachyonic etherical universe faster than speed of light. Both of them have special spaces, but we perceive them as vacuum. As we are at the speed of light, our clock stops. Our region is nullity. We are a point without dimension in nullity region. So we now understand a little bit why Allah is exempt, free from time and space.

Time is created for creatures, us. For us to perceive life, movement. Time is the beads of seconds which we call `now' between our birth and death. If there didn't exist time we would not have space related to today, tomorrow or yesterday. Universe wouldn't be explained without time. Time and universe exist together. Spaces are fixed but time is variable. Time's variability changes as we reach its speed of flow. This is speed of light. If we reach the time wall the spaces won't be yesterday's and today's , but will be tomorrow's. In other words you pass into future before its time.

As objects get faster, their time gets slow. As they reach the speed of light their time stops. But how about if we exceed the speed of light or if we fall to the time distortions around a black hole? We
always think the time works forward. We also swear it. Along the human history science also believed in that. Like we thought the crooked space as plane, we thought time flowed everywhere in the universe steadily, with fixed speed. Relativity put forward the complex relation between speed and time. Quantum physics showed us the small times with small dimensions, small lives. We thought we first were born then we died. Time always flowed forward. We created the causality principle and we regarded it as more important than the physics laws. But laws are better than principles. But mathematics told us that time might flow in the reverse direction. This is mentioned in Yasin-67/68.

Working forward of time brought us causality principle. If we don't shoot first we can't hit the target. The sun rises always from the east…But time could move reverse and challenged the causality. Causality is the diffusional or circulation of time from one end to the other. It creates an order from the first and till the last. This is not a physical law. Causality Works when time is concerned. But how about if time stayed fixed? Time and space never separate from each other. But is time a dimension in space or is space a dimension in time? The fact that time is a dimension is told us by Fitzgerald and Lorenz. A watch going faster will be contracted against the etherical wind. It can't measure the ether. This was found in Michelson and Morley experiments. Lorenz formulas are the real relativity formulas connecting time to space. The integrity of time and space was shown by Einstein's teacher Hermann Minkowski. Minkowski told that the universe is 4-dimensioned, time had a linear continuity and past, now, and future were put forward by human mind. That's why our conscious was demanded as 5th dimension. According to this conscious was the observer of the time share perceived by watching a place line. Einstein constituted the relativity theorem by taking space from Riemann and time from Lorenz and Minkowski.

Time is a dimension according to the relativity theorem and shown by a number less than 0. Kozirev put forward that time was an energy. According to him time was an etherical energy. It had breadth, length, and height. Time was the place of abstract coordinates. 3- dimensioned chronosphere was consumed by living beings heavier than 0 by absorbing. But living beings lighter than 0 were living by emitting this energy. Ether is a dimension which can't be perceived by matter and energy, because ether represents the ones smaller than 0. It vibrates faster than the speed of light and light can't measure it. If we get faster, we use the energy more savingly than the matter. Let's take the twins. One will live 70 years in 70 years, but the one faster will finish 70 years in 980 years. Everybody will die. This happens by consuming time energy.

The time of an object having (-60) kg weight works reverse. This object exceeds the speed of light. Tachyons theorem is based on this. Objects moving with more than the speed of light get younger
instead of getting older. Such a tachyonic object like an `angel' levitates instead of gravitating. These objects live by exhaling energy. Whether we go backward or forward in time we can't be immortal. Both ways end in death. Both of them are like playing a film forward or backward. If we play the film back, we see that the man died would go out of the grave as alive. This is also a birth. Then he gets younger and becomes a fetus and nothing.. Because he wasn't created. This is also death. Both of them are created from non-existence and die.

The Believer (Mu-min) - 11: They will say: "Our Lord! twice hast Thou made us to die, and twice hast Thou given us Life! Now have we recognized our sins: is there any way out (of this)?"

What comes absurd to us is that causality conditions us. In causality absurdity is emerges from single sided forces. For double- sided forces absurdity becomes indeterminate. For example if you are shown a photograph on which there is a person half naked, you can't understand whether he undresses or dresses. We decide if we watch the behaviour film from the situation photograph. Let's say he dresses, but if we play the film reverse he undresses. But let's take a swimmer jumping from the diving board. If we play the film reverse it would seem absurd, because he jumps from the water to the diving board.. Time and gravitation are single sided forces. Let's take a (-70)kg man. His apple falls to the sky. It would also seem absurd to him if we say our apple falls to the ground, our watch works forward. According to the causality principle we first throw the stone and then break the glass. This is not a physical law. This mustn't surprise us. For science past and future are identical. A lot of narrow-minded scientists can't understand absolute timelessness and reverse causality. There are such events in our universe that we can't associate with causality.

For example we see that a person dies in our dream and this becomes real in the future. Jules Verne's rocket and Nautilus submarine, or Morgen Robertson's Titan Roman (1898) telling about a ship crashing the iceberg.. These tell that first glass is broken and then stone is thrown. Tachyon dynamics tells us about reaching the result without starting. We face up with ourselves when we turn round a black hole. These are not coincidences. These are physical realities. The event we see in our dream becomes real in 30 days but also we cruised at least 70 million km in the space. Our conscious took this distance in a tunnel instantaneously. We will talk about these later on. We must cling on scientific laws instead of principles. Antimatter's and tachyons' time work reverse.

David Hilbert found a Hilbert space is smaller than quants. Also he proved a negative delta-Hilbert space. Here time Works reverse, first comes the result then comes the reason. By that, causality which we accepted as holy, crashed and physical laws came. Time travel can be made as causality crashes.

Scientists must take care of time travel, because it is possible according to Quran, relativity-quantum theorems. And there are UFOs seen out of the atmosphere. In Quran, The Cave points out the time paradoxes. From the 9th verse Cave hibernation was told. Time's key was given with Inshaallah in Cave 23 and 24. Place's (mekân) key was given with Mashâallah in cave 39. From cave 32 to 59, two camps coming from the future to the past trying to change time. The winners will be the ones saying Inshaallah-Mashaallah. Also there is Zulkarneyn postponing Gogs and Magogs to the future with a technology from the future. Hızır also brought the throne before the Jinns. From cave 60 to 82 Moses and his servant Yuhsa were trying to find Hızır (master of time). Their dead fish rejuvenates (gets alive) when they reach the point where two seas unite. Yuhsa notices that but forgets to say. When they stop for a meal break, Yuhsa remembers this and tells about it. And Moses says `that's it' and they return back and find Hızır. How did the fish get alive? Science is a privilege to investigate events which are against causality. Hızır pierces a ship, kills a baby and mends a wall. These don't seem causal for Moses and Hızır knows the future and tells him the reasons for doing them. Hızır changes the history with the order of Allah. The reason of Hızır to expel Moses is MONEY!

Formulas tell that we can go back in time with or without our body. Black holes and magnetic storms enable us to go back in time with our body. If we get faster around a fast turning black hole, we exceed the speed of light and our clock works back. Then we could go back but not to a specific date. Strong magnetic fields sprinkles us bouncingly. Because of aberrations which mean bouncing in space-time we go to another time. By that our ship, although it is only one, is seen more than once in several times, eras. 1900, 1950, 1960… Our three seconds correspond to 3 epochs. Magnetic Bermuda Triangles and Philadelphia experiments tell us the reason. The magnetic excessive energy is discharged discontinuously and it makes the ship travel in time. Besides this there is also another time-space travel possible. If we find a black hole turning round, if we enter its singularity ring in the opposite direction, we will get younger and face up with our younger copy. If we play our life film reverse we see that we get younger. If causality is reversed our memories will be forgotten. We forget why we started our travel. We can go back until the time our spirit is blown out. This is not reincarnation. Reincarnation is forbidden because of berzah (horn hole). Berzah works single sidedly. If we die we can't come back.

If we get faster %101 of speed of light, for our each year we get back 14 years. Let's take a man 25 years old. Let him travel back in this way for 10 years. He would go back 140 years of world. He
forgets why he travelled back. He lost his future memories. We talk about this because of UFOs. Since 1960s in US space flights escorting UFOs are reported. When Apollo landed on the moon, 2
escorting light discs were around it. Life magazine telling about this was collected immediately. There was a music on the moon where there was no air.. When Armstrong heard a `call' to prayer in Cairo,
he understood this. The escorting light discs made a broadcasting on the moon. NASA collected 120 scientists to investigate UFOs. Outside the atmosphere there was a UFO on which it was written with liquid crystal `DURAKHAPALAM' under it VOLVO-WANEN 2247. The aliens were speaking German, writing Latin. The aliens were our grand-grand-grandsons having found the technology to travel back in time. We understand history can be changed, from Quran Hızır and Zulkarneyn anecdotes.

Let's talk about black holes enabling us to travel in time. The universe was created from a white point and will end in a black point. We have lived and seen white holes but it is hard to understand black holes. Black holes can't be seen. We can't go out of the universe. What is this black hole? Black holes surprised scientists and made them very close to Allah. In Quran they are told as black covers, black doors of heavens,'when the heavens are cracked'. These black doors are where matter is so squeezed, beaten to its own gravity and leave a space. If you squeeze 5.000 tons of iron to a volume of a point smaller than an atom, this point swallows our world. The same point swallows other suns and gets
stronger and it at the end swallows the galaxy. The black points of each galaxy unite together at the end the universe was swallowed by one horn hole.

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